Bloody Captain – Scene 2
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope

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Title   Scene 2
Mission   Bloody Captain
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope
Posted   Thu Jul 01, 2010 @ 4:09am
Location   Bridge
Timeline   After the fight with HoS

The bellow echoed all through the ship. The Captain was not happy.

"I'm on it Captain" she shouted as she came rushing onto the bridge with an emergency repair kit. "What's the prob....."

When she arrived on the Bridge Tell stoped short. The Tactics panel was a mess of broken plastic and blood. Hos lay unmoving in front of it, blood flowing freely from his face. The other Beqs were pretending not to have noticed. Ro’s stabbed a finger towards the broken panel.

“Fix it! And fix it properly. It needs to be able to find me the Pataq who have been smuggling Matlh goods.”

Tell pushed Hos off the panel with all the gentle ease of a Klingon Targ. She looked at him to make sure he was still breathing and sat down at the panel. She ran her practised eyes over the mass of broken bits and blood and sucked in her breath. Tell dragged her arm over the surface of the panel swore under her breath as Hos's blood streaked across it.

Tell needed to dissemble the panel and take the thing down to engineering for a complete repair but sensing the mood of Ro' she thought better of it, she opened her repair kit and set to work.

"Shouldn't take more than ..." Two hours of concentrated work she thought but that's not what he wanted to hear. "Ten minutes .... or so.. maybe more... possibly " she replied looking at him, and then returning to her work. So it was to be a quick repair and a prayer to go with it.

Ro' returned to his cabin for ten minutes. when he came back he was carryig a half full bottle of spirit which he finished as she kept working.

Twenty minutes later and she had finished the repair and packed up her case to go muttering an engineers prayer as she was leaving. 'Oh God grant me the WD 40 to move things that are stuck, the duct tape to fasten those things that are loose and the wisdom to know the difference' and added an extra bit on 'And the strength to run before it fails.'

Tell switched the panel back on and the power fluctuated but held after a few seconds then turned to leave. Didn't look at Ro' "Fixed!" she told him and went to leave.

Tell had one foot off the bridge before sparks flew from the panel and its power failed, it didn't even give her a chance to make it to the engine room. She knew that this time she would have to strip the unit right down to find the problem.

Ro' roared with frustration. Tell knew he was angry but there was no way she could anticipate his next action. He caught her a back hand across the face lifting her over the science station and dropping her winded on the floor.

"You useless Human filth! It takes you two days to kill a single man, and now you can't even fix a panel."

She tried to rise but he sent a solid blow the dislocated her jaw and dropped her on her back.

Tells head swam as she tried to get away from him, her ears were ringing her whole body began to shake with the shock of it all. If she could just get off the bridge and make her way down to the engine room were she could seal herself in away from this dammed maddness. She was an engineer not a piece of dirt to be picked up and thrown arround like something scraped off the bottom of a boot. She couldn't talk or cry out Tell tried desparately to move but she wasn't quick enough and felt her self being lifted in the air.

He gripped her by the front of the shirt and lifted her off the floor, "Tell me you can make the sensors detect the smugglers where ever it is they are hiding."

She tried to claw at him with her bare hands as she struggled to breathe, kick out at him anything to get him to losen his grip on her. Her eyes begging him to let her go she had had enough of being pushed around and being beaten she didn't deserve this. A small cry of anger and frustration escaped her as black dots danced infront of her eyes.

Ro' held her till she went limp then dropped her to the deck. Something was wrong with her, obviously. She needed to be fixed. That meant HIchop.

He grabbed her leg and headed of to the Medbay, dragging here long the metal decking behind him.