Tour of Infirmary
Location: Deck 3
Not at all like a medical bay on a Federation ship. This is not so much a place to get better as a place to store bodies that haven't stopped breathing yet.

Having said that, with the supplies of Federation equipment and medicine, and the experience of HIchop in keeping prisoners alive, anyone on the ship who is injured may have as good as a 50% chance of walking out of Sick Bay Alive. This is increased markedly with A Federation field medic like Germite treating them, and even more when SF doctor, Mike, is in charge.

There is also a number of medical "experiments" left half finished, including biogenic weapons, Borg augmentations, and a few things Jared was "just curious about".

It is positioned at the aft end of the Boom corridor and next to the ladder leading from the hold on deck 5 to the Briefing Room on deck 2.

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