Alligences 1 – Defensive Charge
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Sogh Marla Varquis & Soghla' Marie St. Helene

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Title   Defensive Charge
Mission   Alligences 1
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Sogh Marla Varquis & Soghla' Marie St. Helene
Posted   Thu Jun 17, 2010 @ 2:29pm
Location   Ubatti Capital
Timeline   Day two of trial
The courtroom was unchanged from last time the crew were here. Same faces, same places. The judges sat and the lead spokesman asked, "Defendants, have you selected a defence council."

Before they could speak, Chief Prosecutor Petri stood up, "Your honours, I have been selected to speak for the defence."

Ro' Leapt to his feet, and roared "What?!"

Marla looked confused at Petri, and then she looked at Ro'. This was starting to look like it would be an interesting case, if only she was not in the middle of it.

Petri looked at the group, "That is corrrect. Now if I may be allowed to continue?"

The panel nodded their assent.

Petri crossed in front of the group, "There are three charges and i will adress them in order of decreaseing severity. Firstly there has been accusation that the crew of the FHew is involved in Smuggling. This is based on very loose conjectural arguement."

"While we admit that House Matlh symbols were found on previously smuggled material, it does NOT mean that House Matlh itself sponsored or was complicit in the shiping. It certainly does not mean that every member of House Matlh was involved. Indeed, not all of the FHew crew are members of House Matlh."

One of the judges spoke up, "What of the Resistance presented? Need we remind the council that resistance of arrest is proof of guilt."

Petri nodded, "Indeed. But that is true only when this has been explained to the felons in question."

The same judge responded, "Security reports say that they were warned...'

"In what language, sir? Federation Standard? Ubatti? Captain Ro', would you give me your Universal translator?"

Ro' folded his arms, "I am not carrying one."

Petri fiegned surprise, "Do any of your crew carry them as standard?"


"How many of the crew on the FHew can speak fluent Ubatti?"


"Federation standard."

"One... maybe two."

The same judge interupted, "I see your point, They were never warned so they cannot be held accountable. But can you explain WHY they fired on security forces?"

Petri smiled. They were playing right into his hands, "I will do so by addressing the next accusation; Murder. The FHew is not a Federation vessel. It is in fact part of the KDF, and as such is considered Klingon territory. We sent armed guards to try and board the ship. Effectively this was an invasion, albeit an unitentional one, since our police are used to Federation Traders. The invasion was met with deadly force as would be expected from Klingons. This was not Murder, but war."

Petri moved on, "As for the disturbing of the peace, this is directly related to firing into a crowded street but, as I have just identified, This was not done at a time of peace. Rather it was done as a defence during a time of war."

"Far from imprissoning or punishing these people we should be sending a dlegation with diplomatic appologies for our oversite. For I am sure we do not want to anger the KDF further."

The judges mumbled together, then one said. We will withdraw to confer."