Forgotten Glory – Exit strategy
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Ne' Mariaa'n Si'van & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Soghla' Marie St. Helene & Soghla' Jared & Ensign Israna Haan

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Title   Exit strategy
Mission   Forgotten Glory
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Ne' Mariaa'n Si'van & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Soghla' Marie St. Helene & Soghla' Jared & Ensign Israna Haan
Posted   Tue Mar 25, 2014 @ 12:48am
Location   Complex corridors
Timeline   T +10:00
The Crowd was in almost stampede by the time it bottle necked for the corridors to the outside. To make maters worse something happened to the lights, which dropped to almost black and the fire extinguishers turned on.

The women quickly worked out that discarding the weapons was their best option. With them they stood out, but without them, they were just other faces in the panicked crowd.

As the mass moved along in the near dark the trio managed to stay close together. Looking ahead they could see a brightly lit door which was where most people were trying to get. They also noticed a darkened corridor off to one side. The significant difference between the two options was that the darkened door did not also have heavily armed security.

They ducked off into the side passage and for a few moments they were running almost blindly. More than once they were spotted by security teams, only to have a fire suppression door slam down between them so they could get away.

Eventually however they arrived at a four way intersection with no clear path forward and stopped to catch their breath. Only for a moment because after that they heard running feet ahead of them. A moments indecision as each of the three tried to run a different way and then go back to choose one of the ways someone else had run meant that they were still at the intersection when a small fury creature and a heavily weaponed Klingon rounded the corner.

When Marie heard the sound of footsteps she almost turned and ran in the other direction but something stopped her. She recognized the sound. Few people could make that much racket when they ran. One of them was HIchop. The other was....

May’Bel came down the corridor and almost bowled Marie over in the dark. Marie flattened herself against a wall but, even so, May’bel’s bulk threatened to take her with him as he flashed past.

“May’Bel,” she managed to get out just as he reached her.

In the gloom of the poorly lit intersection, May'Bel jerked around and leveled both his disruptor pistols at the sudden appearing figure. He didn't fire though - an obvious look of recognition crossing his face as he lowered the weapons.

"Well its nice to see you too May'Bel." said Tell trying to figure out which way to go next "This place is like a rabbit warren! Anyone seen a jar with a label saying drink me?"

Jared wasn't really paying attention. He was scanning the corridors around them intently.

"I'm pretty sure the exit is this way," he said loudly, beginning to run in the direction he indicated. May'Bel paused for a moment and holstered his disruptors.

“May’bel,” Marie asked, “do you have any idea why we’re here? Besides the obvious answer that Ro’s playing games again.”

"No idea," May'Bel said, pulling a spherical grenade off his belt and giving the top a twist. "Exciting, isn't it?"

Exciting? She considered the choice of words. Not how I would have put it, no. Dangerous maybe, possibly even suicidal but Definitely not.

He dropped the sphere on the ground, and drew his weapons again.

"Run," he said simply, and then sprinted after Jared.

There was a sound of many approaching footsteps from the direction they'd come.

"Just what and who are we running from?" asked Tell picking up her dress and sprinting after the others. Damn dress was getting in the way and the heels didn't help. "Shouldn't we just make a stand and fight?"

“Hear all those feet?” Marie replied breathlessly. Talking was hard at the pace she was running. “That sounds like a hell of a lot of them to me.” She drew in a ragged breath. “I might be wrong but I don’t fancy finding out; even with May’Bel here with us and Jared doing his best Felix the Cat impersonations.”

"There's about ten in the front group, and another fifty or sixty closing in!" Jared yelled from up ahead. "Wherever the heck we are, they DIDN'T want intruders!"

There was a thunderous boom, and a flare of orange light from behind.

"Maybe five in the front rank," May'Bel corrected.

The group rushed round a corner and came up short. In front of them was an open area like a landing platform, beyond which was a park or wilderness area. On the platform were a half dozen well armed men, obviously perimeter guards. They immediately raised their weapons on the group.

"Halt!" one of them called. "This facility is in lock down. You will immediately drop your weapons and surre..."

He never finished his sentence. From the wooded area a phaser beam shot out with pinpoint accuracy. The man dropped dead and the others instantly forgot the FHew crew as they tried to scan the area for the attacker.

A second man dropped to the sniper, and now the remaining four were running firing wildly into the bushes, because the open field had no cover. A third man fell before the guards reached some low stone molding at the edges of the field.

Now the guards were distracted, the question was, do they risk the sniper.

Marie watched the fall of the guards and the resulting confusion with ill disguised glee. “There’s an old saying on Nouvelle Nouvelle Calédonie: The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” she said. “It served me well. I say we join our new-found friend. Cautiously though, I might add.”

"Here's to us then!" said Tell smirking "So who's like us? Darned few, and they're all dead!"

The group quickly ran across the open area. The guards yelled after them but were not keen to break cover. Suddenly they were under the canopy of the trees and out of immediate danger. May'bel's eyes were fixed on where the shots had been fired but he couldn't see anyone.

There was movement behind Tell. Quickly and quietly, a woman in Starfleet armor and a helmet, stood behind Tell, acknowledging her. Her sniper rifle was holstered on her back, and her knife on her hip. She stayed quiet, not saying anything, and just stared at Tell.

"I was wondering when you were going to turn up." Tell said quietly "Do you know a way we can get out of here?"

The woman replied, "I was just sent to help. Can I please have a brief about the situation, Tell?"

Tell gave a snort of laughter. "Were being chased and shot at that's all I know. We've obviously upset someone which is nothing unusual."

"Why are we here then?"

May'bel interrupted, "I think the question is, why are we STILL here."

He indicated back to the large building where more guards were now arriving.

With out more conversation the group quickly followed Israna deeper into the foliage.