Cloak and dagger – Declaration of hostility
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Lieutenant JG Linx Moonshadow & Sogh Germite Ephilom & Soghla' Marie St. Helene

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Title   Declaration of hostility
Mission   Cloak and dagger
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Lieutenant JG Linx Moonshadow & Sogh Germite Ephilom & Soghla' Marie St. Helene
Posted   Tue Oct 29, 2013 @ 10:13am
Location   Mess hall
Timeline   6 hours after acepting Corporate mission
What is it about this place that really does my head in? thought Tell as she walked out of engineering and down to the mess hall. Try as she might Tell couldn't think of one single thing that stood out above all the rest but she decided that it was probably all of it.

Tell felt fresher after having a shower and had changed into a long ethnic outfit that she had picked up at a music festival on her last shore leave. The engineer still preferred her hair short and looked almost elfin like in her appearance though far from her character. She was glad that no one else was in her quarters with her, after spending the best part of six hours in the engine room she wasn't in the mood to exchange pleasantries.

Her stomach growled in protest at not being fed for such a long time and she couldn't ignore it any longer. She needed something to eat and perhaps some food would help her dark mood lighten somewhat. Something quick and easy that doesn't take long to make, she thought. Baked beans (made her special way), egg and chips. The old favourites were the best; you couldn't go wrong with a meal like that. Good engineers' grub washed down with a pint of sweet coffee.

Because the Klingons liked their food fresh, their ships had surprisingly well appointed galleys. Since Marie had taken over stocking the kitchen the supplies had become more cosmopolitan and Federation friendly, but there was still a lot that needed to be replicated each time.

Tell opened a tin of beans and poured it into a pan. She threw the empty can over her shoulder and it landed deftly in the rubbish bin. It had taken a week of practice to do that and she had it off perfect; unless someone happened to get in the way of the flying can, that is. To the beans she added a mixture of herbs and spices followed by a good dollop of Worcestershire sauce. While her beans simmered she fried her egg and chips. She was ravenously hungry to the point of wanting to take a bite out of anything. She felt almost light headed as she placed the tray of food and coffee on one of the tables. It smelled as good as it looked and she couldn't wait to dig in.

As Marie walked along the corridor, the smell of eggs frying wafted towards her. She smiled. She’d built a coop in the cargo bay that housed Klingon livestock and purchased five hens. If the Klingons could have fresh targ, she could have fresh eggs!

Some of the beqs had complained of the smell of fresh chicken droppings but she ignored them. It went some small way to paying them back for the stench of their targs.

Providing straw for them was proving to be problematic. The poor dears needed something to scratch around in and the deck plating was unyielding. Fortunately, markets on the busier planets usually sold a variety of produce; unfortunately, out here on the fringes of civilisation, such planets were few and far between. The hens had had to make do with the same straw for over four weeks now. Still and all, when they did find a market, she would trade straw well laced with mature chicken manure for fresh stuff and grain. That way, the chickens paid for themselves.

She walked into the mess hall just as Tell lifted the eggs out of the pan. She sat across the table from Tell.

Tell didn't see the person sitting opposite as the only thing she was interested in was the plate of food in front of her.

Marie watched silently as Tell ate. The engineer was obviously fully absorbed in her food and Marie thought it unkind to disturb her. Anyway, she had the chance to look over Tell’s new outfit. It suited her figure well, emphasising curves in all the right places and flattening them out where they weren’t wanted. Marie could feel her blood pounding as she took in the sight. All the more reason not to say anything right now. If she did, Tell would probably hit her.

Germite smelled the human cooking coming from the mess. He walked in and saw Tell sitting at the table gulping down the food. He turned to leave when he saw JaqwI' coming. He decided to fall back against a wall and watch what transpired.

Linx sniffed, her heightened feline senses catching the smell of Earth food. It wasn't quite the same as food from Malkin, her home planet, but it was a bit more desirable to her olfactory sense than Klingon food. So, she entered the mess.

JaqwI' came into the Mess as well. He had managed to overcome the issue of ventilation in the livestock room and was grabbing some food to go. However when he stepped into the room he saw Tell sitting there. She was clean, dressed in one of those flimsy human garments and smelled of soap and flowers strong enough for him to fill his nostrils with her scent even above the few other Klingons in the room. He knew he could not take it, bottled up with her all the time, for any longer.

In six long strides he stood before her at the table. He waited till she looked up and then with a sweep of his arm knocked the tray of food and drink from in front of her and onto the floor. Before she had time to react he lent over and bellowed in her face.

Tell didn't notice him approach as she was too intent on savouring that first mouthful of food, so it took a second for her to realize that she had been cruelly robbed of the simple pleasure of eating.

"soH qaqIp'voy!"

Tell stood up knocking her chair over as she did so.

"Who the hell are you calling stupid?" she yelled and without waiting for an answer she launched her fist directly at his jaw. All thoughts of food were out of her head now as she was running on neat adrenalin and vapor.

Germite stepped out of the way as a plate impacted against the wall where he had just been. However, he wasn't fast enough to escape some beans splattering on his shirt.

Marie jumped to her feet too. She was well aware of Klingon mating rituals and knew an attempt at seduction when she saw one. What drove her was not anger but jealousy. If anyone is going to seduce Tell, she thought, it’s damn well going to be me.

She was just about to launch herself into the fight when she was grabbed from behind.

Marie turned to find herself face to face with a Klingon Marine, one of the team who had joined them at Iapetus. Before she could react, the Warrior woman had head butted her then kissed her. Marie was too startled to try to break the fierce embrace though she could feel ribs about to snap. Yet when the marine did release her, Marie found she wanted more. She slapped the Klingon viciously on the cheek then hauled her back into a kiss.

All thoughts of Tell had fled Marie’s mind. All she could think of was this Klingon in her arms. She didn’t even know woman’s name and found she didn’t care. There would be time enough for such pleasantries later. For now, the heat of fervour was all that mattered.

Meanwhile jaqwI' turned to the crowd in the room, all of whom seemed to be taking intent interest, and bellowed again, "HIlegh! yIlegh! qaDpu' tuqaD!" [Something about others seeing a competition]

Suddenly there was a cheer from all the other Klingons and everyone, including jaqwI' was smiling.

As jaqwI' turned and left Cha'a' joined the Chief Engineer with a new mug of drink for her.

"Congratulations," the woman crowed, "I had no idea."

"No bloody idea about what?" snapped Tell loudly"Am I on the wrong damned ship or is everyone suddenly crazy around here?"

Cha'a' looked puzzled for a minute, "You... and jaqwI'. I always thought you were sweet on the Captain, but jaqwI's a good choice. I would've had a go if you hadn't staked your claim just now. Not that I am competing, just... wow. We shared a room for years and I didn't pick it."

Tell took a mouthful of coffee wishing it was something a lot stronger but Tell had decided to avoid alcohol for a while, it only appeared to get her into trouble . The coffee was Klingon and only added to her already growing temper but the sweetness masked the taste.

She muttered something that not even the universal translator could recognize but all there knew its intention.

Marie was pushed back suddenly, and the marine turned and followed jaqwI' from the room without even a parting look.

Marie was devastated and felt like a fool. No...worse...she felt abused. This Klingon woman had sensed a moment of weakness and used it to take advantage of her. She had grabbed Marie and forced herself on her.

Marie’s first reaction was to go after the woman and have it out but what good would that do? Challenging her meant certain death. No, some other way had to be found to exact payment; some way that left the Klingon in no uncertain terms as to what had been done.

Normally, Marie was an impetuous woman but, patience was a virtue. Marie decided to bide her time. No doubt the other Klingons would laugh behind her back. They would tell tales of the stupid human who’d let herself be duped. That was no concern. Marie knew the Klingons thought little of her. They tolerate me because I get job done but that’s about the extent of it. She held her head high as she looked around, daring any of those still present to laugh.

Beq Lach appeared next to her, but there was no smile on his face. He glanced over at the door the Marines had left through and said quietly, so only Marie would hear over the din, "Watch that one. She is a viper. Don't let yourself get sucked into her games. Only... I didn't tell you that."

Marie turned to see who had spoken, being unable to tell in the din. She did a quick double-take. It was not like Lach to gossip, and, to her, he spoke as one who had been burnt himself, so Marie was forced to believe he meant what he said. He had certainly taken a risk saying it to her aloud.

Marie placed a hand lightly on Lach’s shoulder. “Thank you. Rest assured, if I do anything it will be on my terms, not hers.” She looked him squarely in the eye. “Would you like to be involved?”

Lach's eyes glistened but he did not say anything in reply. A crowded Mess was not the place for these discussions.

Tell was left standing there feeling just a little puzzled. What had just happened? Yeah she had heard about the Klingons mating thing but never really thought anything else of it, thinking it was best to leave them well enough to themselves. It didn't matter to her what they got up to as long as it didn't involve her. Now for some reason there had been a momentary shift of position and the engineer wasn't at all sure she liked it.

She wasn't into the Klingon lifestyle as such. Unless it was something to do with engines or music, she wasn't interested. Klingon music left little to the imagination and to her was an acquired taste just like their food. She replayed the events over in her head while the other Klingons in the room looked at her with what looked like admiration or it could be jealousy, whatever.

Tell pieced together a jigsaw of mixed up images and then joined them all up together. She went to find the Doctor, he would know.

"Hey Germite. You seem to be a man of the universe, have I just got myself a Klingon boyfriend?"

Germite suppressed a smile, "You are the one that decided to 'flirt' with him."

"I don't flirt and besides he started it." replied Tell wishing now she had paid more attention as to what went on with the Klingons. "So how do I get rid... I mean what happens next?"

Germite shook his head, "What you're asking is how do you get out of this alive?" He paused for a moment. "You've started down a road that won't end well no matter how far you go. You're best bet is to hope he only sees you as temporary partner and isn't seeking a serious relationship. I would definitely avoid any further violence. He will only take that as encouragement. You could try reverse psychology on him, pull him close and do a lot of earthy feminine stuff, ie give him flowers, wear fragrant perfumes, suggest he wear earth style clothes, etc..."

Tell screwed her nose up and wished she had kept her uniform on instead of changing into something more human looking. She shrugged as she looked wearily at him. "I don't know ... are you really sure that will work?."

Tell was unsure of the advice the Dr had given her. The only other Klingon she could talk to was no longer here. She had always been able to talk to Marla, Marla would have understood and known what to do. They would have laughed about it later, together. Since then Tell has not let anyone close. If she went to Ro' for advice he would most likely slap her on the back and tell her she had made a good choice. Marie? Well maybe once upon a time. Marie's interests in Tell were far from platonic these days, so sod that for a game of soldiers. She was on her own with this and the only one she could trust was herself.

"I'll sort it out myself." she told him

Tell left the mess hall and headed for her quarters to pick up her skeletal violin. No one was really sure what kind of skeleton it was. They had taken a few guesses and only the engineer knew but the instrument had a tone and a resonance that was sweet to the ear. She needed music, it always healed and soothed her troubled mind.

There was what she called a sweet spot on deck 2, now near to Marie's chickens. It was the best acoustic spot in the whole ship and quiet apart from the chickens, that is. Marie hadn't bothered to name all of them but for some reason or other Tell had. She knew that chickens laid better eggs if they had music to listen too. She lifted the violin, closed her eyes and played a haunting melody of her own making.