Allegiances 3 – MIssion Briefing
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Sogh May'bel Matlh [PNPC - Jared] & Sogh Thor'nan Mal'Kor & Soghla' Marie St. Helene & Soghla' HIchop Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Soghla' Jared & Sogh Marla Varquis

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Title   MIssion Briefing
Mission   Allegiances 3
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Sogh May'bel Matlh [PNPC - Jared] & Sogh Thor'nan Mal'Kor & Soghla' Marie St. Helene & Soghla' HIchop Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Soghla' Jared & Sogh Marla Varquis
Posted   Tue Jun 14, 2011 @ 1:35am
Location   FHew Conference Room
Timeline   Two hours later
Ro' sat at the head of the table again as his senior staff assembled.

May'Bel stalked in and dropped into a seat, putting his feet up and watching Tell thoughtfully. A briefing from the new XO. This should be interesting.

Marie sauntered in with her usual casual air. Ro' was there as was Hope though, strangely, it was Ro' who was sitting and Hope who was standing as if reading herself to address the group.

Jared appeared not long after Marie, fiddling with a woman's armour glove that seemed to have some device attached to it. He absent-mindedly bumped into Both Marie and May'Bel's chair on his way to his own - absorbed in his fiddling. But he managed to find his spot.

Marla arrived shortly. Still upset with what had happened back home, she sat down quietly.

Thor'nan stepped into the room, not sure of his role. At least one of the senior staff should be on the bridge, monitoring the crew, but since he was new here, he would remain silent until he had solidified his position on board. Already two of his junior tactical people had made snide comments when they thought he couldn't hear. He'd have to deal with them soon.

Ro' nodded to Tell to begin the briefing.

This was not in the job description thought Tell as she faced the others in the room. I have never done this before. She was always locked in the engine room she had never stood in front of them all and in the same place. Given the choice she would have rather have faced a room full of total strangers.

She had a sudden mental block as more of them entered the room. What was I here for?she asked herself. What am I talking about? What was it? What excuse could she make up to leave? Engine trouble? Feeling sick? Because she certainly did feel that. Oh for Gods sake Tell get a grip.

She had once heard that if you were nervous and about to give a speech, that you should imagine your audience naked. She took a look around at all of them and tried to follow that advice and then thought better of it.....probably not... definitely not.... no. It was a sudden decision of fight or flight. What would she choose?

How should she start off? You may have wondered why I have called you all here? No that's not right. Unexpected as I am? Got to get a grip, you can do this she told herself.

When they were all seated she took a deep breath and said... "Right this is what we have.."
Tell began. "We have been contacted by a Romulan operative claiming that she has evidence of covert cloak technology. She says the Federation is heading up this research at a secret location hidden within a nebula not far from us. Our Rommie can't get clearance to cross the border and investigate it herself so has therefore asked us to investigate for them.

"Now don't you think this is odd considering we are all supposed to be pally pally, lets all be friends and do lunch?" Tell asked them. "Taking the FHew in under cloak will prove useless as the nature of the nebula will cause havoc with it so we will not be able go in undetected." She told them "I doubt we would get very far before they wondered why a Klingon vessel would come visiting albeit we are allowed in Federation space. They wouldn't put out the welcome mat out for us and are more likely to persuade us to leave with our tail between our legs."

"Is there anything else in there?" Marie asked. "Even if there isn't, can we pose as traders? After all, let's face it, we're not the most imposing vessel in the Imperial Klingon Fleet. We could pretend to be a decommissioned vessel which has been privately purchased and put to a new use. I believe this is standard practise among many Klingon captains, she added though she did not look at Ro'. It was to Jared that she directed the question, daring him to gainsay her.

It took Jared a moment to notice her glance was directed at him. When he did, he looked slightly confused - apparently missing the nuance of the moment.

"Uh... I'm not that familiar with the Federation, but I assume if this is a highly classified base they'll probably be wary of any approaching vessel that even smells of one of the other major powers. I'd be surprised if they even allowed a trader near the place. The Bolari empire used to mine the nebulas around places like this."

"Of course... the place has got to have Federation vessels that go to and from it. We could wait outside the nebula, follow one to it's destination, and then sneak a couple of people aboard for the return trip. If they're going back, that is."

"I know someone who might be able to help us. He owes me a few favours," Tell told them.

"Now it's getting interesting, Marie thought. Now we're getting into my territory. She put her hand up to draw attention. It wasn't at all a Klingon thing to do which made the action all the more enticing. The firefight had given a rush of adrenaline she'd not expected but had very much enjoyed. It was the sort of rush she'd had when she played within the factions on Nouvelle Nouvelle Calédonie. Acting in a non-Klingon way on this ship sent a similar thrill through her body. You've done well, she told herself. You've established a niche for yourself. Now to exploit it!

"If you're offered a few favours," she asked, "then why will it cost you? Surely you can barter better than that."

"You know I used to work for an engineer called Malkie Krogg," Tell replied. "He sold spare parts and kept where he got them from a closely guarded secret, but I know where it is and its not far from here." She told them. "Its not only full of spare parts but old ships and other things as well."

Ro' leaned forward, "So what is your plan exactly? Are you going to contact your friend and ask for them, or are we taking first and saying sorry later? What do you want the crew and I to do?"

"I've already contacted him." replied Tell jumping ahead. "I've told him nothing except it's a personal thing for me and that I was looking for a supply ship in good working order. I know where he keeps the rest of the stuff we might need but not all that we want. Either way we might have to make do or I am sure one of you will help out on that."

"My plan would be to find a Federation supply vessel before we go into the nebula. Then travel to the base disguised as a federation crew." It had taken some wrangling with Malkie to get what she wanted. In the end he relented and said she could take what she wanted as long as she brought it back in one piece. "When we go in we get the information we want and then get out." She looked around the room at all of them sitting there. "Some of you would need to look more ... human but I can't see that being a problem. I am sure that Hic'chop's skills will prove very helpful in that department."

Jared glanced down at his tufted tail.

"Uhh... how... helpful, exactly?"

"Relax, TiQ," Ro' chuckled. "The most obvious choices for this are Tell, Marie, Marla and HIchop. They may wish to take some backup in a crate, but you and I will stay on the FHew. I have an idea about some adjustments tot he Cloak which may be able to help, but they are beyond my skills."

He banged his hands on the table and stood, "ToH! Tell, get your team together. Marie, set course for the Coordinates Tell provides. HIchop, get altering on Marla and yourself. Marla & Jared, we are going to do some Cloak tinkering. May'bel, Thor'nan, I want a team of four ready to go in a shipping crate by the time we have got what we need. Any questions? Go!"