Tour of Engineering
Location: Deck 1 to 4
This double storey bay brings together all the elements of each type of engine in a single place. This means that an Engineer may repair several systems simultaneously, but also that if it is destroyed further repairs are unlikely. However, since this would also cause a Warp core breach and venting of the deuterium tanks, it is very unlikely there would be any one left to do the repairs anyway.
The Rear section of the Warbird is the most vulnerable, since it has no weapons. This is because no Klingon would ever admit to needing them, since to do so would mean you had turned your back on an enemy and were fleeing. However they do have multiple redundant reinforcements to the superstructure of Engineering since it is such a vital area. The fact that this also increases its resistance to damage is entirely coincidental.
Main access is from Deck 2, immediately below the Larder, after traversing a catwalk between the Warp Coils/Heat Exchange.
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Location: Deck 1 to 4
This double storey bay brings together all the elements of each type of engine in a single place. This means that an Engineer may repair several systems simultaneously, but also that if it is destroyed further repairs are unlikely. However, since this would also cause a Warp core breach and venting of the deuterium tanks, it is very unlikely there would be any one left to do the repairs anyway.
The Rear section of the Warbird is the most vulnerable, since it has no weapons. This is because no Klingon would ever admit to needing them, since to do so would mean you had turned your back on an enemy and were fleeing. However they do have multiple redundant reinforcements to the superstructure of Engineering since it is such a vital area. The fact that this also increases its resistance to damage is entirely coincidental.
Main access is from Deck 2, immediately below the Larder, after traversing a catwalk between the Warp Coils/Heat Exchange.
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